onsdag 28 december 2011

Kiska - i-kon so far........ Part 2

Merry Christmas everyone!!!.. Right so the Deadline has been delayed until the end of January.. which I'm very glad of.. but some people have been asking what I've been up to so I thought I'd post a couple of renderings!!... and then I'll post the finished stuff in a months time!!.. enjoy!

torsdag 8 december 2011

Kiska - i-kon so far........

Right, so after the success of yesterdays post.. lol.. normally not than many people look at my blog but over a hundred views in the couple of hours after I posted!.. I though I should update everyone on my Kiska i-kon project!!

I'm not posting very many pictures purely because we've been asked not to until after we submit to the Move2030 competition!.. I've pretty much resolved my interior layout for a future family vehicle and I'm currently developing the exterior form, looking at highlights, feature lines, the way materials interact with each other and the like... spent the last few days doing 1/4 scale tape drawings and to be honest throwing up more questions than answers!!.. here are a couple of pics... my kind of "key sketch" of the profile and me tape drawing!! lol..

onsdag 7 december 2011

Iron Man Helmet Models...

Some pictures of the finished Mill and Rapid Prototype of the Iron Man Helmet!!.. the Rapid Pro one came out super cool.. shame I'm so rubbish at taking photos that you can't tell.. you'll just have to take my word for it!!

Volvo Trucks Visit!

Haven't posted anything for what seems like an age... been really busy! a couple of week ago TD1 visited Volvo Trucks, learnt so so so much from this.. super cool manufacturing robot things to..... Obviously couldn't take photo's inside but these are fun photos anyway! lol...

onsdag 16 november 2011

Iron Man Helmet for Rapid Prototyping

These last couple of weeks we've had CAID training with Tomas Lindehell, as part of it we have to create something of our own for rapid prototyping... I decided to try and make Iron Man's helmet!!.. lol... I haven't done the whole helmet because I only had a couple of days!!.. still kinda cool I think!..

torsdag 10 november 2011

Kiska - i-kon Concept

A quick interior sketch/idea.... only really just started the project "visually".. so at the moment it's way to supercar-y... but it's a start! lol...

måndag 31 oktober 2011

The Future Laboratory

A really really interesting Blog!.. driving most of my research for this project and future direction I guess!! anyway it's really cool so take a look and read about tomorrow!!!.....


fredag 28 oktober 2011

Daniel Forsgren Interior Workshop

Today we had a quick Interior workshop with Daniel Forsgren, looking at work flow, taking a quick top view sketch in Photoshop and putting it into Maya and Alias to create very quick very basic CAD models to sketch over. It was really good, need to learn Maya though!!!.. here's the quick top view sketch I did... kinda cool... looks like a kinda retro British sports car to me!..

Oh... and take a look at Daniel's website... really cool!!


lördag 22 oktober 2011

KIska Workshop with Christof Täubl - Soapbox_Racer

Tuesday last week we started a Tutorial/Workshop with Christof Täubl from Kiska. Christof was just introducing us to the way Kiska work in the initial idea generation stage of a design brief and how they think about and incorporate "lightweight" from the get go! On Tuesday we all worked on our small thumbnail sketching on posti-it notes... a really good technique for quick idea generation and stops you getting to precious about individual sketches!.. I then took my favourite sketch and did a quick Photoshop rendering... branding it KTM.. of course! lol...

torsdag 20 oktober 2011

Kiska - "Visual Lightweight" - Living Moodboard

Right so how did it go?.. well freaking awesome actually, really liked my final display and the feedback was really productive. Aim is now to take this research forward, keeping thinking about the 3 themes, Static Motion, Delicate Stance and Layered Translucency.... I've been also asked to look at how these same principals can be used in a structural sense and how heavier looking structural items can help improve the overall feeling of lightweight... anyway, that's enough writing... the pics!

onsdag 12 oktober 2011

Kiska - "Visual Lightweight" - Living Moodboard Mid Review

Today was our Mid Review for the Living Moodboards!!.. I got some really positive feedback and a couple of really clear design directions/themes to explore over the next couple of days before Kiska come in on Monday!!.. Gunna be some long nights but I love it!!! below are a few photos from the review, taken by Mitsu!.. Cheers Mitsu!.. I'll be taking some more interesting pics of the models, playing with lighting etc. over the next few days and will put them up once finished!!!.. once again watch this space!

måndag 10 oktober 2011

Kiska - "Visual Lightweight"

Today's our 1st day our 1st main 10 week Project at UID!!!.. working in collaboration with Kiska (freaking awesome I know..) the brief is "Visual Lightweight". Started this morning with my Living Moodboard which I'll will be presenting to Kiska in a weeks time... exploring the ideas around "Static Motion" thinking about "Stance", "layering", "Translucency" and "Colour"... really really interesting... I'll add some photos as the Moodboard evolves.. Watch this space!!!

torsdag 29 september 2011

tisdag 27 september 2011

All Blacks smash the French

Fun times watching the Rugby World Cup!!... All Blacks hammer the french.. JB's not to happy about the whole situation!! Massive lol..

mo>e2030 Design Competition


The begining of week 3 we started looking at, and sketching, thinking about this years mo>e competition. Below is just a bit of ideation around the subject.. I wont put to much up just in case I decide to submit stuff to the competition it self.. if I do I'll post it up around Xmas time after the deadline!!

måndag 26 september 2011

UID.TD Sketch Club with Bernd Stelzer Continued into Week 3....

After re-designing the the Toyota 2000GT I moved onto a redesign of the Honda S-600, a tiny little MG Miget sized sportscar... this is the result....

once again it is just a very very quick exercise in sketching and rendering with less emphasis on the design.. but at least with the rear I quite like the result.. even if it does look a bit like a Ferrari!.. and doesn't look small at all.. lol.

UID.TD Sketch Club with Bernd Stelzer Continued....

Second half of the week was spent sketching and then re-designing/rendering existing cars.. only a hour or 2 spent on the re-design element that's why they look a bit un-thought out.. the rest of the times was just hand rendering.. haven't done this for years but it was good fun.... unlike Photoshop you have to really think about what your doing.. cores, light sources, highlights and lowlights etc... but anyway.. I give you a very rough Toyota 2000GT re-design!

UID.TD Sketch Club with Bernd Stelzer

Right Ok, Week 2.. for the first couple of the days we just got back into the swing of sketching.. line weight, perspective etc.. and then started designing ROBOTS.. just a bit of fun really for the 1st couple of days!!

lördag 24 september 2011

Umeå - Week 1

Ok, so week 1 was actually a couple of weeks ago but I've only just got around to setting up the blog.

Week 1 was a just a bit of fun, a multi discipline design challenge with all the 1st years in the whole of UID. The Challenge was called the "UID Ping Pong Ball Challenge". Here are just a couple of photos, 1 of our "contraption" and the other of us lifting the trophy!.. oh.. did I forget to mention we won.... lol..