onsdag 28 december 2011

Kiska - i-kon so far........ Part 2

Merry Christmas everyone!!!.. Right so the Deadline has been delayed until the end of January.. which I'm very glad of.. but some people have been asking what I've been up to so I thought I'd post a couple of renderings!!... and then I'll post the finished stuff in a months time!!.. enjoy!

torsdag 8 december 2011

Kiska - i-kon so far........

Right, so after the success of yesterdays post.. lol.. normally not than many people look at my blog but over a hundred views in the couple of hours after I posted!.. I though I should update everyone on my Kiska i-kon project!!

I'm not posting very many pictures purely because we've been asked not to until after we submit to the Move2030 competition!.. I've pretty much resolved my interior layout for a future family vehicle and I'm currently developing the exterior form, looking at highlights, feature lines, the way materials interact with each other and the like... spent the last few days doing 1/4 scale tape drawings and to be honest throwing up more questions than answers!!.. here are a couple of pics... my kind of "key sketch" of the profile and me tape drawing!! lol..

onsdag 7 december 2011

Iron Man Helmet Models...

Some pictures of the finished Mill and Rapid Prototype of the Iron Man Helmet!!.. the Rapid Pro one came out super cool.. shame I'm so rubbish at taking photos that you can't tell.. you'll just have to take my word for it!!

Volvo Trucks Visit!

Haven't posted anything for what seems like an age... been really busy! a couple of week ago TD1 visited Volvo Trucks, learnt so so so much from this.. super cool manufacturing robot things to..... Obviously couldn't take photo's inside but these are fun photos anyway! lol...