torsdag 3 januari 2013

Sketch Club - WRC

Sketch Club - Beetle

MINI Internship

....And now a quick catch up on me.... starting in just over a week I will be in Munich on Internship at MINI... I'm super excited!!!... and for 6 months as well.....

Now I will do the traditional "post a big picture of their badge" thingy!!!......... :)

Volvo Interior Project

My final project of the 3rd Semester... and my final project before going on Internship... and the Degree Project... In collaboration with Volvo... an Interior for 2050 with a focus towards "autonomous driving"... Not quite sure what else to say except the quite liked it... I'd still like to spend some more time on it but these are the slides I showed at the final Presentation...... :)

Volvo Synergy - Sculpting the Future

OK.... First project of the 3rd Semester in UID... Project run by Tony Catignani. He got us to start taking abstract photographs in Black and White where we had as little control over the photographs as possible. So what me and Armand did (we started off in pairs) is took photographs of a light blub swinging on a pole. From these abstract photos we had to made a "non automotive" sculpture in clay.... Then from this we had to create a vehicle.... It was only at this point that the brand, Volvo, was introduced. After creating an "abstract vehicle" I then tried to design a new C30 size Volvo with my new design language...... hope that makes some sense!!?.... lol... I just read it back and it doesn't... oh well....

MG Roadster

During the summer (2012) I was on Internship at MG... this is just a page of sketches done in my spare time (evenings etc.) whilst there... nothing special but just getting in some practice in before going back to Umeå!!

Volkswagen_avoca - "Car as an Event"

Right... So... It's been ages since I've put anything up so I'm just doing a big catch up.... just going to post Portfolio pages from each project... This one was a sponsored, collaborative project with Volkswagen looking into how to attract a whole new generation who aren't interested in cars into buying a Volkswagen...